

marine and coastal biodiversity

Biomes and ecosystems

Round Round Ref.
Round Round 9 DPLUS156
Tristan da Cunha solid waste recycling (£80,000)
Government of Tristan da Cunha
01/07/2021 - 31/03/2023
Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 9 DPLUS153
Conserving tropical marine ecosystems in TCI through science-based fisheries management (£344,905)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/07/2021 - 31/03/2024
Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS152
Coastal Resource Atlas 2021 and Temporal Analysis for the BVI (£253,645)
National Oceanographic Centre (NOC)
01/07/2021 - 30/06/2023
British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS150
Ecosystem sensitivity and climate vulnerability for MSP in the BVI (£357,890)
National Oceanographic Centre (NOC)
01/07/2021 - 30/06/2023
British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS149
Resolving ecosystem effects of the South Georgia winter krill fishery (£469,653)
BAS - British Antarctic Survey
01/12/2021 - 31/05/2024
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS148
Climate change resilience in Falkland Islands fisheries and marine ecosystems (£316,882)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/07/2021 - 31/03/2024
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS147
Collaborative approach to managing coral disease in UK Overseas Territories (£496,257)
JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
01/07/2021 - 31/03/2024
British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS146
Red Listing can protect OT marine biodiversity (£83,172)
Queens University Belfast
01/07/2021 - 30/09/2022
British Antarctic Territory, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS145
Assessing the mobile fish biodiversity of Bermuda’s deep seas (£316,829)
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences - BIOS
01/08/2021 - 31/08/2023
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Round Round 9 DPLUS144
Protecting South Georgia’s terrestrial communities from climate change-invasion synergies (£323,780)
University of Durham
01/07/2021 - 30/06/2024
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS143
What goes thump at night: managing bird-strike in South Georgia (£95,392)
JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
01/07/2021 - 31/03/2024
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS142
Bathymetry, and seafloor habitats within Ascension Island’s nearshore waters (£262,948)
British Geological Survey
01/04/2022 - 31/03/2024
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 9 DPLUS140
Assessment and conservation of Cayman Islands’ deep-water reefs and fishes (£207,681)
Heriot-Watt University
01/10/2021 - 28/02/2024
Cayman Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS139
Improving Falklands marine management effectiveness for marine higher predators (£85,460)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/08/2021 - 30/04/2023
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS138
Filling knowledge gaps to enable rewilding of the Chagos Archipelago (£73,672)
CCT - Chagos Conservation Trust
01/07/2021 - 30/06/2023
British Indian Ocean Territory
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Round Round 9 DPLUS137
Transforming Anguilla's Marine Parks: institutionalising sustainable and collaborative management solutions (£328,144)
Gov of Anguilla
01/07/2021 - 30/04/2024
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Round Round 9 DPLUS136
Anguilla Shark Conservation: social acceptance, spatial protection and legislative reform (£371,004)
MCS - Marine Conservation Society
01/07/2021 - 30/06/2024
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Round Round 9 DPLUS133
Streamlining Ascension Island’s Marine Turtle Monitoring Programme for long-term sustainability (£58,798)
University of Exeter
01/08/2021 - 30/09/2023
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 9 DPLUS130
Sustainable sargassum management in Anguilla, British Virgin Islands and Montserrat (£228,595)
CANARI - Caribbean Natural Resources Institute
01/10/2021 - 31/03/2024
Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat
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Round Round 9 DPLUS129
Understanding Ramsar wetland dynamics for marine conservation and environmental resilience (£251,807)
Environment Systems Limited
01/07/2021 - 31/03/2024
Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 9 DPLUS127
Improving reef resilience through sustainable fishery management on Diego Garcia (£314,020)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/08/2021 - 30/06/2024
British Indian Ocean Territory
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Round Round 9 DPLUS126
Advancing Falklands and region-scale management of globally important whale populations (£499,991)
Falklands Conservation
01/07/2021 - 30/06/2024
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS122
Biodiversity discovery and the future of South Georgia’s seaweed habitats (£245,841)
NHM - Natural History Museum
01/03/2021 - 31/03/2023
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS120
Spatial segregation and bycatch risk of seabirds at South Georgia (£269,233)
BAS - British Antarctic Survey
01/03/2021 - 30/07/2026
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS119
Technical assistance programme for effective coastal-marine management in the TCI (£324,297)
JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
01/08/2020 - 31/07/2023
Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS117
Cayman Islands Coastal Education Guide (£43,546)
Mangrove Action Project
01/04/2020 - 31/03/2022
Cayman Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS115
Unlocking Falkland Islands Marine Management: Key Biodiversity Areas for seabirds (£79,130)
Falklands Conservation
01/04/2020 - 30/09/2021
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS113
CRACAB- Climate Resilience and Conservation of Ascension's Biodiversity (£261,894)
Ascension Island Government
01/09/2020 - 31/03/2023
Ascension Island
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Round Round 8 DPLUS112
Capacity building in fisheries evidence, networks and management (Virgin Islands) (£317,283)
Cefas - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
01/04/2020 - 30/09/2024
British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS111
Building Resilient, Participatory Management of Marine Biodiversity in Hurricane-prone BVI (£241,553)
MCS - Marine Conservation Society
01/04/2020 - 30/03/2024
British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS109
Initiating monitoring support for the SGSSI-MPA Research and Monitoring Plan (£283,417)
BAS - British Antarctic Survey
03/08/2020 - 22/12/2023
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 8 DPLUS106
A Marine Turtle Action Plan for Montserrat (£286,504)
University of Exeter
01/07/2020 - 30/06/2023
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Round Round 7 DPLUS100
Sustainable solutions for Sargassum inundations in Turks & Caicos (£94,618)
University of Greenwich
01/04/2019 - 30/09/2021
Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 7 DPLUS098
Restoring and safeguarding wetlands of the Caribbean UKOTs (£299,332)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022
Anguilla, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 7 DPLUS097
Regional-scale marine conservation through multi-territory tracking of frigatebirds (£305,882)
University of Liverpool
01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022
Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 7 DPLUS094
Developing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) tools for Turks and Caicos (£293,100)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/04/2019 - 31/10/2021
Falkland Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 7 DPLUS093
HOT: Hadal zones of our Overseas Territories (£77,751)
British Geological Survey
01/04/2019 - 30/09/2021
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 7 DPLUS091
Improving coastal ecosystem resilience to climate change in Anguilla (£267,984)
Government of Anguilla
01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022
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Round Round 7 DPLUS090
Reducing the impacts of plastic on the BIOT natural environment (£330,476)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/04/2019 - 31/08/2022
British Indian Ocean Territory
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Round Round 7 DPLUS086
Future-proofing endangered species conservation in Anguilla (£291,992)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022
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Round Round 7 DPLUS085
Post-disaster Restoration of Mangroves (PROM) (£322,076)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022
British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 6 DPLUS082
Conserving Falklands' whale populations: addressing data deficiencies for informed management (£298,552)
Falklands Conservation
02/04/2018 - 31/08/2021
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 6 DPLUS081
Mapping for evidence based policy, recovery and environmental resilience (£210,920)
Environment Systems Limited
01/04/2018 - 31/03/2020
British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 6 DPLUS079
Improving Sustainability of Marine Management in Montserrat (£321,783)
Cefas - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
01/04/2018 - 31/03/2023
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Round Round 6 DPLUS077
Sustainable fishery management for St Helena’s lobster populations (£198,394)
Gov of St Helena
01/09/2018 - 31/03/2021
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 6 DPLUS076
Reducing South Georgia albatross mortality in High Seas tuna fisheries (£98,858)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/04/2018 - 31/03/2020
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 6 DPLUS075
Securing endemic land-birds and their habitats at Tristan da Cunha (£83,429)
Gov of Tristan da Cunha
01/04/2018 - 31/03/2021
Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 6 DPLUS073
Improving small island resilience and self-sufficiency in habitat monitoring and management (£119,283)
Roehampton University
01/04/2018 - 31/03/2020
British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 6 DPLUS072
Developing the risk assessment framework for the Antarctic krill fishery (£132,599)
BAS - British Antarctic Survey
01/09/2018 - 31/08/2020
British Antarctic Territory, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 6 DPLUS071
Fine scaling the design of Falkland Islands Marine Management Areas (£329,379)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/04/2018 - 31/03/2021
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 5 DPLUS070
Oceanographic influences on the St Helena pelagic ecosystem (£247,938)
Gov of St Helena
01/07/2017 - 31/12/2019
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 5 DPLUS067
Regional collaboration to achieve sustainable Caribbean fisheries management (£228,584)
Cefas - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2023
Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 5 DPLUS066
Climate change adaptation in the fisheries of Anguilla and Montserrat (£260,925)
CANARI - Caribbean Natural Resources Institute
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2020
Anguilla, Montserrat
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Round Round 5 DPLUS065
Mapping Falklands and South Georgia coastal margins for Spatial Planning (£278,696)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/04/2017 - 30/11/2019
Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 5 DPLUS064
Characterising Bermuda’s baitfish populations to improve management and fishery sustainability (£189,729)
BZS - Bermuda Zoological Society
01/04/2017 - 30/09/2019
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Round Round 5 DPLUS063
The Ascension Island Ocean Sanctuary (ASIOS) Project (£279,122)
Gov of Ascension - AIGCD
01/04/2017 - 31/12/2019
Ascension Island, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 5 DPLUS062
Securing the future of the Tristan marine environment (£288,490)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2022
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 5 DPLUS061
Protecting herbivorous fish to conserve Cayman Island coral reef biodiversity (£249,096)
Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI)
01/04/2017 - 31/12/2019
Cayman Islands
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Round Round 5 DPLUS060
Pioneering a New Model of Marine Park Management in Anguilla (£289,431)
Gov of Anguilla
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2020
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Round Round 5 DPLUS057
Where are they now? Right whales in South Georgia waters (£312,738)
BAS - British Antarctic Survey
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2021
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 4 DPLUS046
Tracking marine megafauna at Ascension Island: towards evidence-based ‘blue belts’ (£48,568)
Gov of Ascension - AIGCD
01/04/2016 - 30/06/2017
Ascension Island
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Round Round 4 DPLUS042
Dolphins of the kelp: Data priorities for Falkland’s inshore cetaceans (£269,914)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/04/2016 - 30/09/2018
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 4 DPLUS041
Creating a Terrestrial Action Plan for the Chagos Archipelago (£243,074)
CCT - Chagos Conservation Trust
01/04/2016 - 30/09/2019
British Indian Ocean Territory
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Round Round 3 DPLUS039
Sustainable development and management of St Helena fisheries and marine tourism (£270,737)
Gov of St Helena
01/04/2015 - 30/06/2017
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 3 DPLUS036
Sustainable managemnet of threatened keystore predators to enhance reef resilience (£173,439)
Marine Conservation International
01/04/2015 - 31/03/2017
Cayman Islands
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Round Round 3 DPLUS032
Luc Clerveaux Fellowship (£28,935)
MCS - Marine Conservation Society
01/04/2015 - 31/03/2017
Turks and Caicos Islands
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Round Round 2 DPLUS027
Marine spatial planning in the Falkland Islands (£151,572)
SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
01/07/2014 - 30/06/2016
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 2 DPLUS026
British Virgin Islands MPA and hydrographic survey capacity building (£253,443)
Cefas - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
01/04/2014 - 31/03/2016
British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 2 DPLUS021
Ascension Island Marine Sustainability (AIMS) – a fisheries and marine biodiversity project (£261,087)
Gov of Ascension - AIGCD
01/04/2014 - 30/06/2016
Falkland Islands, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 2 DPLUS019
Socioeconomic aspects of turtle conservation in the Cayman Islands (£149,904)
Gov of Cayman Islands
01/04/2014 - 31/03/2016
Cayman Islands
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Round Round 2 DPLUS015
Strategic management of invasive alien plants on South Georgia (£92,200)
Gov of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
01/09/2014 - 01/09/2016
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 1 DPLUS013
Promoting the creation and appropriate management of protected areas in Anguilla and the Cayman Islands (£193,568)
ANT - Anguilla National Trust
01/10/2013 - 30/09/2015
Anguilla, Cayman Islands
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Round Round 1 DPLUS011
Ile Vache marine restoration project (£32,256)
CGT - Chagos Conservation Trust
01/05/2013 - 30/09/2015
British Indian Ocean Territory
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Round Round 1 DPLUS010
Coral nursery project in Little Cayman: enhancing resilience and natural capacity of coral reefs in the UKOTs (£41,631)
Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI)
01/04/2013 - 31/03/2015
Cayman Islands
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Round Round 1 DPLUS009
Antarctic and sub-antarctic marine protected areas: using penguin tracking data to identify candidate areas (£142,176)
BAS - British Antarctic Survey
01/07/2013 - 31/03/2015
British Antarctic Territory, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 1 DPLUS007
Using seabirds to inform Caribbean marine planning (£226,367)
University of Liverpool
01/04/2013 - 31/03/2015
Anguilla, British Virgin Islands
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Round Round 1 DPLUS005
Sustainable management of the marine environment and resources of Tristan da Cunha (£285,673)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/07/2013 - 31/07/2016
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
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Round Round 1 DPLUS003
Biodiversity action planning in the Falkland Islands (£105,200)
Falklands Conservation
01/07/2013 - 30/06/2015
Falkland Islands
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Round Round 1 DPLUS002
An autonomous seabird monitoring network for the southern ocean (£215,848)
University of Oxford, WildCRU
01/04/2013 - 31/03/2015
British Antarctic Territory, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
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Round Round 1 DPLUS001
Bermuda invasive Lionfish control initiative (£169,898)
BZS - Bermuda Zoological Society
01/04/2013 - 31/03/2015
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