Antarctic and sub-antarctic marine protected areas: using penguin tracking data to identify candidate areas
Key Facts
VALUE £142,176
WHERE South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, British Antarctic Territory
The creation of a regional database of penguin tracking data and analysis/modelling that will: a) define candidate sites/areas for special protection within a region-wide input to the CCAMLR MPA process; b) underpin new marine spatial planning to generate MPAs for BAT; c) identify key penguin coastal/inshore foraging areas within the SGSSI MPA; d) allow easy and rapid future delineation of candidate MPAs for the Falkland Islands and Tristan/Gough, including via interoperability with a longstanding analogue database for pelagic seabirds; e) allow future addition of marine mammal data; f) provide pioneer Antarctic candidate input to the CBD global marine MPA (EBSA) process.