Restoring and safeguarding wetlands of the Caribbean UKOTs
Key Facts
VALUE £299,332
WHERE Turks and Caicos Islands, Montserrat, Anguilla
Caribbean wetlands are critical to achieving island resiliency by providing essential ecosystem services such as flood protection and yet are being destroyed and degraded. This project aims to reverse the loss and degradation of wetlands in Anguilla, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos by sharing best practice, developing and applying practical on-the-ground wetland conservation and restoration measures, promote strengthened safeguard policy and practice and increase public awareness of the value of wetlands.
DOE - Department of Enviroment, Turks and Caicos Government Department of Environment and Coastal Resources, Turks and Caicos National Trust, Montserrat National Trust, ANT - Anguilla National Trust