Enhancing monitoring and prevention of invasive non-native species across UKOTs
Key Facts
VALUE £299,249
WHERE Turks and Caicos Islands, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, SBAs of Akrotiri & Dhekelia (Cyprus), Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, Cayman Islands, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Antarctic Territory, Bermuda, Anguilla
There are major gaps in baseline knowledge on Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) globally. INNS inventories will be derived for each UKOT through collation of information from existing sources alongside on-line recording. The information compiled will underpin modelling frameworks, incorporating climate extremes, to predict arrival and spread of INNS and ultimately supporting improved biodiversity indicators and action. The inventories, consolidated through the Non-Native Species Secretariat, will inform conservation, education, research, and disaster recovery plans in response to climate change.
Turks and Caicos Islands, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, SBAs of Akrotiri & Dhekelia (Cyprus), Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, Cayman Islands, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Antarctic Territory, Bermuda, Anguilla